Christians: Wake Up! A great Light once came into a dark world. But it did not shine long: Jesus died on a cross. Soon afterward His disappointed friends were filled with joy at the news of His resurrection. They learned that He had given His life as a sacrifice for sins, and that His death was the basis for their salvation. Jesus' free gift enables salvation for all who shall ever believe. And earnest light-bearing followers continue to show forth that Light. Not long after His death, unrighteous teachers assumed authority. They ignored the moral lessons in Hebrew Scripture. They invented theological language through which to con ceal their own subtle changes and deceptions. Councils devel oped creeds through which they taught unholy errors, and those errors are still only too often accepted as authoritative truths. These councils demanded agreement with their creeds from all who wanted permission to speak from the pulpit in God's name. Creed-taught error continues today. Evangelical crusaders and fundamentalist campaigners unknowingly misrepresent the true and loving God. When sincere, religious people express opinions which oppose God's revealed purpose, darkness only increases, masquerading as Christianity. Many have not learned that man is a soul (Gen. 2:7). Instead, they believe what the serpent told mother Eve, "thou shalt not surely die." They have not learned that "the soul that sin neth, it shall die" (Ezek. 18:4). Many do not under stand that "the wages of sin is death" (Rom. 6:23), or that death means non-existence. God's mercy, the Bible says, "endureth for ever," yet He is perceived as a God who reserves unending conscious punishment with literal fire for the unsaved. This idea obscures God's expressed intention to bless with resurrection all of the dead--both the just and the unjust.--Acts 24:15 Christians are told to love their enemies (Matt. 5:43-48). Having commanded us to love our enemies, would God then burn his? "God is love" (I John 4:16). Love motivated Him to offer His only Son for a depraved and sinful world (John 3:16). One with such love would surely not torture those same people even for one minute! Many have not learned that God's judgments are in tended to teach people about righteousness (Isa. 26:9). His judgments are also intended to destroy transgressions, evil, and evil doers (Psalm 39:8-10). Surely His mercy would insure that no more than necessary punishment is exacted. Creeds make it harder to know God than it need be. They confuse many by using the not-in-the-Bible word Trinity. This makes it difficult to distinguish the everlasting God, his one and only begotten Son, and the holy influence, power, spirit which they both direct. A clear understanding of God's plan of salvation emerges when people dismiss credal distortions and accept what the Bible teaches. Banish darkness! Study our printed pieces. Distribute them to others. Enter with full assurance of faith the liber ty Christ Jesus offers you. Request literature from Faithbuilders, PO Box 15324, San Diego 92175 |