As this chart
shows, 6000 years from Adam will
close with the year 2043 AD. How is
this date computed? We begin with
the date 966 BC, the year Solomon
commenced building the famous Temple
of Jehovah at Jerusalem. Then, from
the records of Scripture, we count
from there 479 years back to the
Exodus, 430 years back further to
God’s Covenant with Abraham, 427
years back more to the end of the
Flood, and 1656 years further back
to the creation of Adam. This
produces a date for Adam of 3958 BC.
(See the heading
The Count of
Years for specifics.)
From there,
6000 years forward bring us to the
date 2043 AD—the end of 6000 years
of human experience. There begins
the Seventh Millennium from Adam,
namely the Thousand Year Millennium
of Revelation 20.
The “Harvest”
period, colored in green, is the
period preceding the Millennium.
This is the ending period of the
present Gospel Age. “The harvest is
the end [suntelia, ending
period] of the age” (Matthew 13:39).
During this time Christ accomplishes
four principal works.
Separating the wheat class, true
Christians, from the tare class,
through the “sickle” of Truth—an
understanding of God’s Plan of the
(2) Raising
them to their heavenly reward with
Christ. This began with the raising
of the sleeping saints, and
continues throughout the harvest.
Each member of the bride class is
raised to heavenly life as he or she
falls asleep in death.
Regathering the Israelites to their
ancient land, in preparation for the
Millennial Kingdom of Christ, which
will begin at Israel and expand
outward to the world.
Inaugurating a time of judgment.
This includes a “time of trouble”
unlike any before, starting with
World War I, through to Armageddon,
which will introduce the Millennium.
Harvest period commenced at the
close of the 1335 years of Daniel
12:12. Comparing that prophecy with
Luke 12:36-38, shows that this
prophecy takes us to the second
advent of Christ—his promised
parousia, or presence. During
this harvest Jesus is present,
invisible to the world, supervising
the close of this age, to prepare
for the next. The apokalupsis,
or revealing of Christ to the world,
comes at the close of the harvest.
He will revealed to the world
through the judgments incident to
Armageddon, the deliverance of
Israel, and the establishment of the
Kingdom of God at Jerusalem.
If one compares
Luke 12:36-38, with Revelation 3:20,
it seems apparent that the
parousia of Christ during the
Harvest is coincident with the
seventh stage of the Gospel Age—the
stage represented by the Church of
Laodicea (see Revelation 3:14 and
forward). We are in that period of
time today. So we should specially
heed the message of this period—to
buy gold tried in the fire (divine
principles), secure white linen (the
righteousness of Christ to cover our
sins), and anoint our eyes with
eyesalve (learn and understand the
Plan of God).
This is the
present privilege of God’s people.
Vital in all of this is a full
consecration of our mind and heart,
to do the will of God. Our
commitment is full hearted—our
enlistment is to death. If we are
faithful in this, then we will hear
“well done, good and faithful
servant ... enter thou into the joy
of thy Lord” (Matthew 25:23).
The present
Harvest commenced with the year 1874
-- the date referred to in the
closing prophecy of Daniel 12:12.
(See the heading
The 1335 Years.)
Count of Years
Today, among
historians who accept the testimony
of the Old Testament books of Kings
and Chronicles, there is general
agreement that the 40th
and last regnal year of King Solomon
closed in the autumn of 930 BC.
The foundation
of this conclusion is the record of
the kings of Judah and Israel in the
Old Testament. When Solomon died,
the kingdom was split into two parts
-- 10 tribes in the north, “Israel,”
and two tribes in the south,
“Judah.” The intertwined history of
these two kingdoms forms a double
cord of testimony, all the way up to
the close of the 10 tribe Kingdom.
This period of time spanned 207
The testimony
for this conclusion is published in
the well known work of Edwin Thiele,
The Mysterious Numbers of the
Hebrew Kings, specially the 1965
edition of that work (revised and
republished in 1983). His work has
been improved{1}, but his date
closing the reign of Solomon
The Scriptures
tell us that the Assyrian King
Shalmaneser conquered Samaria,
putting an end to the independent
kingdom of the 10 tribes after a
three year siege (2 Kings 17:3-6).
The Assyrian records locate the
close of the three year siege in the
fourth year of Shalmaneser, which
fell in the year 723 BC. Thus 207
years earlier take us to 930 BC for
the close of Solomon’s last regnal
This means that
the fourth year of Solomon, 36 years
earlier, closed with Tishri of 966
BC. The spring of that year was the
time Solomon founded the famous
Temple of Jehovah at Jerusalem. That
event is linked to the Exodus of
Israel out of Egypt, by the
scripture 1 Kings 6:1. That text
says the founding of the temple
occurred in year 480 from the
Exodus, which means that 479 years
intervened between the two events.
Thus if 966 BC was the founding of
the temple, then 1445 BC was the
date of the Exodus.
According to
Galatians 3:16, 430 years earlier
take us to God’s Covenant with
Abraham. This covenant was secured
by Abraham when he entered Canaan
after the death of his father Terah.
The date for that Covenant was thus
1875 BC.
Genesis chapter
11 gives us, generation by
generation, the following numbers of
years from the end of the flood
until the death of Terah—
years Birth of Arphaxad
after the flood
years to the birth of
years to the birth of Eber
years to the birth of
years to the birth of Reu
years to the birth of
years to the birth of
years to the birth of
205 years to the death
of Terah
427 years |
This sum of 427
years means that the flood closed
that many years before the Covenant
with Abraham—namely, in 2302 BC.
Genesis chapter
five gives us, generation by
generation, the following numbers of
years from the his creation, until
the close of the flood.
years to the birth of Seth
years to the birth of Enos
years to the birth of
years to the birth of
years to the birth of
years to the birth of Enoch
years to the birth of
years to the birth of Lamech
years to the birth of Noah
600 years to the end of
the Flood
1656 years |
This sum of
1656 years means that the creation
of Adam was that many years before
the end of the Flood—namely, in 3958
BC. From that date, 6000 years
forward take us to the date 2043 AD.
(Remember, when computing across the
BC/AD divide, adjust by one year to
account for the absence of a year
“zero” between the BC and AD eras.
Thus 6000 - 3958 = 2042, plus one =
2043 AD.)
The 1335 Years
The most
oft-repeated time prophecy in
scripture is the 1260 years of Papal
dominion. This period appears seven
times in Scripture—twice in Daniel,
and five times in Revelation.{3} It
appears in three forms — 1260 days,
42 months, and “time, times, and
half a time.” These are all
equivalent periods, for 3½ “times”
or years are the same as 42 months,
and at 30 days per month, this is
the same as 1260 days.
Of course in
time prophecy, each day mentioned in
the prophecy is fulfilled as a year.
That is the way the prophecy of 70
“weeks” of Daniel 9:24 takes us from
458 BC (the decree authorizing the
work of Ezra), until 33 AD (the
death of Jesus at Calvary) — 490
years. (See also Number 14:34,
Ezekiel 4:6).
So the 1260
“days” of Papal dominion refer to
1260 years, during which Papacy, at
Rome, secured political power. This
commenced in 539 AD when the defeat
of the Ostrogothic Kingdom permitted
the Pope, in supervision of Rome, to
exercise political authority. The
period closed in 1799 when the Pope,
a prisoner of the French government,
died in captivity, and Napoleon
refused to allow the election of a
successor. This is marked by
Catholic historians as a low ebb of
Papal fortunes in modern times.
Never thereafter was the Pope
accorded power to rule and judge
among kings.
Daniel 12:10,11
tells us that at 1290 years (30
years later, 1829), the spiritually
wise would understand more clearly
the prophecies of Daniel which were
sealed so long. This was fulfilled
by prophetic studies in England,
America and elsewhere, which came
into focus about 30 years beyond the
close of Papal authority.
Daniel 12:12
adds the last prophecy, this one of
1335 years. The year would be 1874.
From this point forward we can mark
the beginning work of Present Truth
among the saints, the restoration of
Israel to their ancient homeland,
and subsequently a Time of Trouble
unprecedented in former history.
A more complete
treatment of these prophecies is
contained in Volume Three of the
“Studies in the Scriptures” series,
The Kingdom of God,
specially chapter two,
“The Time of
the End,” and chapter three,
of Waiting for the Kingdom.”
(1) Notably,
Leslie McFall, “Did Thiele Overlook
Hezekiah’s Coregency?,” Bibliotheca
Sacra, October-December 1989, pages
393-404. That article gives
technical support to our earlier
surmise that 2 Kings 17:1 refers to
the end of Hoshea’s reign rather
than its beginning.
(2) All the
specifics can be found in 20 pages
of “Time and Prophecy” (here) or the
briefer treatment in Appendix B of
“The Stream of Time” (here). Both
treatments also explain how the
years represented in the intertwined
history of Judah and Israel from
Ahab to Hoshea are corroborated by a
parallel span of years in the state
records of ancient Assyria.
Chart for
Appendix B.
(3) Daniel
7:25, 12:7, Revelation 11:2, 11:3,
12:6, 12:14, 13:5.